Air Services Australia

Have your say – Community survey is live

Airservices is inviting feedback from the public on the terms of a Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP) trial relating to arriving aircraft to Runway 30 at Hobart Airport.

The options take account of the community request to share noise during noise sensitive times of the day, safety, and operational requirements.

Detailed information about the Noise Abatement Procedure trial can be found here.

To have your say and complete the survey click here.

The results of the survey will be used to inform a trial of noise abatement procedures at Hobart Airport. Following the trial, we will seek feedback from the community on the effectiveness of the trial NAPs and prepare a draft report on the performance of the NAPs which will make a recommendation for either ongoing implementation or further refinement of the NAPs.

The survey will close 11 December 2022.

To find out more about this project, please visit the Air Services Australia page: