Waste Management

Across all operations Hobart Airport actively manages waste through a three stream waste segregation program. This allows the segregation of recycling, organics and general waste with the intent of reducing landfill waste. Signage describing the segregation options has assisted of diversion. Our operations team repurpose demolition and construction waste where possible, such as re-using asphalt and concrete materials for operation track maintenance.

Hobart Airport works collaboratively with food and beverage tenants to ensure minimal waste from their operations. Examples include encouraging the use of compostable packaging and coffee cups, which when disposed results in organic waste, and single use plastics (such as wraps and plastic straws) are not permitted.

Water bottle refill stations have been installed in the terminal, which has saved the usage of over 20,000 plastic water bottles (measured over a six month period).

Hobart Airport employees also play their part reducing landfill waste, using a six stream waste program in the administration building. Refillable glass milk bottles are also used to reduce plastic waste. The bottles are refilled through the Udderway a local Tasmania business supporting Tasmanian dairy operations to reduce their environmental impact.

Watch introduction video here.