Energy and Resource Use

Airport Carbon

We are committed to seeking ways to reduce resource use, and ‘greenhouse gases’ that come about from Hobart Airport operations and activities.

To complement emissions focussed program, we continually seek ways in which to reduce the use of natural resources – wherever possible adopting sustainable design principles and actions where possible- such as LED street lighting, rainwater capture and re-use, planting native, low maintenance native plants and much more.


What are HBA doing to reduce emissions and environmental impact?

HBA is very aware of the impact the aviation sector has on global CO2 emissions. We know that we have a responsibility to play our part in emission reduction and we are keen to reduce our own environmental impact where we can across our operations. For us, this means a focus on reducing fuel and electricity use, recycling and reducing land fill waste, minimising water use and so much more.

The reality is though this will take some time and there may be some emissions we can not avoid completely. For now, we are offsetting these emissions with our partnership with TLC. As part of the TLC New Leaf Carbon Program, HBA has purchased Australian Carbon Credit Units as regulated by the Australian Government – related to projects located here in Tasmania- these are of clear benefit to the Tasmanian community and environment.

The additional value of the New Leaf Carbon Partnership is knowing the funds contributed by HBA will support TLC to manage, monitor and improve the biodiversity values across Tasmania.