Not many people would know that within and close to the airport boundaries are some of Australia’s nationally significant habitats, which are protected and managed on the land surrounding the runway.
We are committed to seeking ways to reduce resource use, and ‘greenhouse gases’ that come about from Hobart Airport operations and activities.
Across the terminal and administration buildings and projects we actively manage our waste , aiming to reuse and recycle to reduce waste to landfill.
The Annual Environment Report summarises Hobart Airport’s environmental performance over the course of each financial year and highlights the key environmental objectives for the following year.
We continue to engage with government and community stakeholders on issues related to ground based noise emissions and review and update procedures as required.
Hobart Airport undertakes a collaborative approach to PFAS management, working with both State and Commonwealth regulators and Airservices Australia.
We’ve extended the FREE parking period in Long Term to 30 minutes to help ease congestion in our Pick Up and Drop Off Lane.