
Lost property

  • If you have lost an item in the terminal or around the airport precinct please complete the form below to lodge an enquiry.
  • If you have lost an item on a flight/ at an airline lounge or left luggage behind on a flight or carousel, it’s best to contact your airline directly. Click here for a comprehensive list of airline contact details.
  • Please note, hazardous, unhygienic and perishable items will be disposed of on the same day or as deemed appropriate by Hobart Airport. Hobart Airport generally keeps found items for a period of 4 weeks.
  • All items which are unclaimed or uncollected after 4 weeks will be disposed of securely. Depending on the nature of the item, the unclaimed or uncollected item may be donated to a charitable organisation or disposed of as waste.

Lost property enquiry

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Pick the closest area of the airport you may have lost your item.
Please include as much information as possible to help us identify your item.
If you have pictures of the item this will help us identify what we are looking for.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 4.
    Collection of found items(Required)