Current Master Plan

Our Master Plan provides the basis for the operation and development of Hobart Airport. Under the Airports Act 1996, Hobart Airport is required to develop a new Master Plan at least every eight years outlining the proposed development and direction of the airport for the next 20 years.

Master Plans for Hobart Airport were prepared and approved in 1999, 2004, 2009, 2015 and most recently in 2022.

A key focus for the Master Plan is to deliver a sense of place that is welcoming to visitors and familiar to those returning home. Aeronautical development is planned to accommodate future demand for passenger and freight services. Non-aeronautical development is equally important to the success of Hobart Airport, with new tenants continually providing new and expanded business opportunities.

The 2022 Master Plan also contains Hobart Airport’s Environment Strategy, which considers environmental values and their significance to the state of Tasmania. The Environment Strategy seeks to obtain a balance between aviation operations, areas of identified environmental significance and the continual growth and development of Hobart Airport.